
Kaneka,in harmony with nature

The origin of our product logo mark

The origin of our product logo mark

Like a migrating bird “white stork",our Toyooka plant is shipping thin-film silicon solar panels to all over the world as well as the domestic market.
Kaneka uses the stork as our thin-film solar product's logo and produces solar panels. Let's peruse the unknown episode...

Kaneka's solar panels Complement Toyooka City's Success in Reintroducing White Storks

Toyooka is a city with beautiful nature in the northeast of Hyogo Prefecture. The city vaulted to prominence in Japan with the releases of endangered oriental white storks into the wild.

Over 40years,for Storks flew again in Toyooka's sky.

Over 40 years, for Storks flew again in Toyooka's sky.

In 1955,the citizens and government of Toyooka jointly launched an effort to protect the storks, starting an artificial breeding program in 1965. It took until 1989 for this initiative to produce the first chick.Storks flew again in Toyooka in 2005. It is also of note that 2007 saw the first stork born in the wild in Japan in 43 years. The fledgling survived and grew. More than 100 storks are now in Toyooka.

People of kanneka solartech CORP.

Solar panel factory in the city of Storks

That project was unparalleled worldwide in terms of its scale and success in breeding and repopulating an area. Kaneka was impressed by Toyooka´s challenge because Kaneka started work on solar panel in 1980 from the point of view of environmental protection,and viewed Toyooka as ideal for demonstrating that people and nature can happily coexist.
In1999,the Kaneka Group began operating the world´s largest amorphous silicon photovoltaic module plant.The main motivation for choosing Toyooka was the zeal of its goverment and people for returning storks to the wild.
Kaneka believed that solar panel production could help safeguard the environment. We will supply our products to the world from Toyooka in which wild storks could live.

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